Preschool adventures
Four years ago, when I decided to send my then 3 year old son to preschool, I decided to follow him there. I put him in preschool, put my 15-month old daughter in moms-day-out down the hall and got myself a teacher's aide position 12 steps down from my sons room. Not that I'm counting. After doing this for 4 years, I decided I wanted to go back to college and get my teaching certificate and be the Teacher. Being a preschool teacher isn't much different than being a mom. I direct 3 year olds where to sit, where to stand, wipe their faces, help them at the water fountain, un-wrap their food, break-up fights, kiss boo-boo's, take temperatures, pray over cuts and scratches, put them in time out, love them, scold them and occassionally wipe "stinky" bottoms. Sound any different to you? However, every two weeks I get to deposit a check worth about $150 dollars. COOL!! So if you ever wanted to put a price tag on being a mom two days a week, it's $150 dollars. This is what led me to the conclusion, that I wanted to do this for a living ( and no I'm not crazy). Hence, the going back to school to get my teaching certificate. This blog will be devoted to my past & present adventures at preschool, and my upcoming adventures in college, AGAIN. In my first year teaching preschool I was told "don't ever let the kids go to the bathroom alone or leave them in the classroom alone!" So being the responsible adult and the only one in the classroom when a little girl desperately needed to go, I told her to use the boys bathroom down the hall because I could see the boys bathroom from my room door. There, problem solved, right? In the boys bathroom there is one stall, with a toilet and a urinal. So she could just use the stall, right? Anyway, after several minutes and another teaching releaving me from my classroom duties I went to check on the little girl. Well, she was fine, just as I thought. And she used the boys bathroom just fine. Sitting down (just as little girls have to do) BACKWARDS ON THE URINAL!!! ACK!! How's that for being a preschool teacher!?